Dr. Mark E Borden MD | Coupeville author uses experience to write medical self-help book

 Dr. Mark E Borden MD, FAAEM is an Emergency Physician living in Coupeville Washington, on Whidbey Island, north of Seattle Washington. Dr. Borden graduated from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in 1993, and the University of California Davis Emergency Medicine Residency in 1996. Dr. Borden has been ABEM certified since 1997. Dr. Bordens practice has, thus far, been 10 years in Academia, as a Clinical Professor, and 20 years in community ER's both large and small. Within Emergency Medicine Dr. Borden has specialized in emergency regional anesthesia, and treatment of diving and aquatic injuries. Dr. Borden enjoys fishing, farming, falconry, and his family. Dr. Borden and his wife,of 36 years, (Dr.) Erin (an Entomologist) currently manage their 100 acre farm which produces Apples, and Horse Hay. .


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