Mark Borden MD | Respecting Patient Autonomy


Patient autonomy is a cornerstone of medical ethics, particularly in end-of-life care. This principle emphasizes the right of patients to make decisions about their own healthcare based on their values, beliefs, and preferences. In end-of-life scenarios, respecting autonomy means ensuring that patients have the necessary information to make informed choices about their treatment options, including the right to refuse or discontinue life-sustaining interventions.


However, the exercise of autonomy can become complex when patients are no longer able to communicate their wishes due to their medical condition. In such cases, advance directives, living wills, and durable powers of attorney for healthcare become crucial tools. These documents allow patients to express their preferences for end-of-life care in advance, ensuring that their autonomy is respected even when they cannot speak for themselves. Healthcare providers like Mark Borden, MD have an ethical obligation to honor these directives and to engage in clear, compassionate communication with patients and their families to navigate these difficult decisions.


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